Jon flew back to California to attend other scheduled meetings and be able to make more new contacts. It is exciting to see the new churches being planted in California who are seeking to start supporting missionaries of their own. Big or Small, New or Old: it is a joy to attend churches who are standing firm on the Word of God and seeking to reach the lost sinner whether near or far. It was a blessing to present the field of
Peru at Faith Baptist Tabernacle with Pastor Rodgers who gave the missionaries a tour of Sacremento which led to the opportunity to pray in the capital building (Governor Swartzneggor was in a meeting and not able to meet with us at the time). Evangelist Ken Lynch played his many musical instruments (one being the water filled china glasses) and preached for the conference. I also presented at Grace Baptist Church with Pastor Carter who had Brother Larson from BIMI as a special speaker. I was able to be in a mission conference via telephone to Germany with Pastor Pilalas who had Brother Alverson as special speaker. And, I drove down the state of California to be with Silver Valley Baptist with
Pastor Abaldo who has a lively and friendly church not too far from a ghost town (as the signs on the road declared). All of the four meetings took place within seven days as the fall schedule for a missionary on deputation is so crucial as to churches emphasis on mission conferences. The winter and summer times of the year finds fewer mission conferences and more one day meetings. This makes it more difficult for the churches to get to know the missionary and vise versa.
It was good to see my sister and her family who helped me out tremendously with a car, lodging, meals, and the making and remembering of memories while out in California visiting churches.
I returned to my family back in Michigan the first week of November to see Todd Sivnksty hosting our home church revival meetings and to attend the mission conference at Grace Baptist Church in Birmingham, Michigan with Pastor Whitfield and special speaker Dr. Charles Keen.
And now to catch my breath and be sure that I am all caught up with communications. Please pray for us as we seek to schedule further meetings for 2009, raise the needed support, learn the Spanish language, and put an updated presentation together in December. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.
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