
Wednesday, September 14, 2022

August 2022: Pastor Estell visits Perú

At the end of August our sending Pastor and his two sons came to see us in Chontabamba, Perú. The pictures are scrambled in order but they were able to enjoy many different experiences. We are so encouraged to have a great sending church who have been so supportive in our ministry. 
We visited the "Jesus" statue of the Pacific coast at midnight. 
Traveled from the Pacific coast and over the Andes Mountains before arriving into the jungle of Perú.  
Picking out meat at the open market.
Sharing food bags with the needy.
Drinking coconut milk

They even tasted guinea-pig while in Perú.

Pachamanca is a meal cooked in the ground with hot rocks. 

Fireworks over the church 
We thank Pastor Estell, Caleb and Ben for visiting us in Perú.