
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Holidays celebrated

While living in a nation with a deep history of Catholicism, many follow the traditions that have been passed down over the years without understanding what they are truly representing. On the mountain just behind our house is a white Catholic church that I have been told is opened two times each year for special occasions. When it is opened on these holidays, it is revealing how many from the valley go up to participate in the ceremonies of mass, confessions, burning of candles, bands, venders, fireworks, etc...
The picture below is an area of venders on the grounds. Our "gringo" girls get a lot of looks for being white and having a different color of hair. The white sign in the back of the picture with red letters caught my eye because it is quoting the Bible from John 2:16 which states "And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise"; but there were venders everywhere. 

Many bought candles and used the rocks to make shrines to burn their candles.
 A couple of tents with bands singing, parade floats of statues, and mass taking place on the grounds.

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