
Friday, October 18, 2013

Children's club at the children's center

I'm not sure which is harder for Jon's dad, the hard labor of ceramic tile or playing Bible memory games with his grandchildren. 

 The children's home offers a kids club each week. It has about 60 kids in the club. The club consists of Bible stories, puppets, snacks, and competitions.

School anniversary celebrations

Outside of the church was the celebration of a public school's anniversary in which they march throughout the city. 

Visiting the rest home

The church has adopted one of the ladies at the rest home as their own since she is without family or friends in the area and needs much attention. We get blessed each time we go. She always has a song to sing about God and His Salvation. 

Jon's Dad arrives in Peru

Jon located the pictures of his dad when he arrived in Lima and when he came up to the mountains. They enjoyed visiting friends in EFATA, going out to eat, and getting some supplies before leaving for the mountains.
 Here is Ray waiting in the airport to go see his grandchildren and take them some dunkin donuts and gifts from the States.

 We arrived safely in Andahuaylas.

 Needless to say that the grandchildren loved seeing their grandpa in Peru.
 Friends of ours in the States sent posters of our home State of Michigan to remind us of home.

 Matthew is enjoying drinking coffee with grandpa in the mornings. He is the only one in our family that likes coffee.

market day

Nisha chooses to go to the market on Saturday for first picks and less people than on Sunday.

Visiting the tower in Ayacucho

About an hour outside the city of Ayacucho is a memorial tower of the great battle that took place for the freedom of Peru.

 Jon discovered the stone for the USA as a supporter in the battle.

 To think that once this field was covered with soldiers fighting for their independence.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Ayacucho ministry trip

Jon and Ray were able to visit a small mountain church in Ayacucho. Pictured below are pictures of their adventures. They started out with a bus trip of almost 9 hours.
 Restaurant venders in the center of town
 Streets near the plaza offered chess and ping pong games.

 Bethel Baptist Church is the only Baptist church in the whole area.

 This church is currently being pastored by a single man, Pastor Leonardo, who is seeking support and help to see his church grow. It currently has 35 in attendance.
 It's common to see street venders daily selling bread and snacks for their income.
 Jon was able to see twin boys while walking near the plaza.
 Each village or city has signs or relics of the Catholic church. Many times these crosses and statues overlook the cities.

 Jon had the opportunity to preach twice at the church. The first time was at the youth meeting which had over 20 teens and many made decisions for the Lord. The second time was in the Sunday morning service.

 A member of the church invited us and the pastor out to eat at a road-side stand for a meal that was finger licking good (no utensils provided).
 One of the church members from Bethel Baptist.

 During the time of the Inquisition when the Catholic religion was forced upon the people, they hung people from the columns of this church because they would not convert to Catholicism.

 This tower was just outside of the city and built as a monument in memory of a great battle with Spain to win their independence. More than 100,000 soldiers were killed in this battle.
 Jon and his dad found many modes of transportation on this trip.
 This photo was taken inside a station-wagon taxi that had 11 people packed into the car.
 While in the center plaza we noticed men working on the roof of the Catholic church. Jon noticed one man praying near the cross on top of the tall building.

 It was a blessing to see the government working hard to pave the mountain roads. Many of the roads are extremely dangerous and it's common to hear of bus and van crashes that take many lives.

 We noticed many villages in the mountains with only Catholic influences that need to hear the truth.